Why Do I Need Organic Social Media When Running Facebook Adverts?

In today's digital landscape, an active and engaged organic Facebook page is not just a luxury for businesses; it's a necessity. This is particularly true when leveraging Facebook adverts to grow your brand's reach. The synergy between organic engagement and paid advertising can significantly enhance the customer journey, reinforce your brand image, bolster social authority, and, importantly, reduce advertising costs. Want to know more? Read on…

Customer Journey

Firstly, an organic Facebook page that buzzes with activity and engagement provides a solid foundation for the customer journey. When potential customers click through from an advert, they're greeted with a vibrant community and a wealth of engaging content. This not only builds trust but also keeps them hooked, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Brand Image

A well-curated organic presence reinforces your brand image. Consistent, quality content that aligns with your brand's voice and values speaks volumes. It tells your story in a way that resonates with your audience, making your paid adverts feel like a natural extension of your narrative rather than intrusive sales pitches. This coherence between your organic and paid efforts enhances brand recall and loyalty.

Social Authority

Social authority is another critical aspect bolstered by an active Facebook page. In the digital age, social proof is currency. A page with high engagement, positive reviews, and a strong community commands authority and credibility. This social proof not only makes your adverts more compelling but also encourages organic shares and interactions, amplifying your reach without additional cost.

Cost Effective Campaigns

The synergy between organic engagement and paid advertising can lead to more cost-effective campaigns. Facebook's algorithms favour content that generates interaction. Therefore, adverts stemming from a page with high organic engagement tend to perform better in terms of reach and cost-efficiency. Essentially, your organic efforts can make your advertising budget go further, delivering a better return on investment.

A recent analysis of a customer campaign running exactly the same advert over a 2-week period saw the results below. These results compare the adverts before and after we started working on their social profiles.

Traffic Campaign:

The Cost Per Result was 16% cheaper after our work.

The Cost Per Thousand was 63% cheaper.

Awareness Campaign:

The Cost Per Result was 45% cheaper after our work.

The Cost Per Thousand was 34% cheaper.

In conclusion, neglecting your organic Facebook presence in a digital marketing strategy is like building a house on sand. Investing time and resources into cultivating an active and engaged community not only enriches the customer journey but also fortifies your brand, enhances your social authority, and optimises your advertising spend. The synergy between organic engagement and paid advertising is clearnot simply a ‘nice to have’ it’s essential to maximise your Advertising spend and optimise your marketing budgets.

If you would like to understand more about how you can increase your Facebook Advertising return, get in touch today.


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